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I really hope this gets updated... someday

I hope we can just hypnotize psychic pokemon or something on our own in the future.

...or maybe I just want to brainwash the pokemon

I forgot did the main char wanted to "keep" some of them? Not sure why he was there in the first place anymore. Well I do hope for an update, I just saw the last one was in april


I must admit, I wish to see more. This has so much untapped potential. But Charizard and other Pokemon would be great. If possible is this still continuing?


Genuinely a good game with pretty solid writing and surprisingly good gameplay considering its engine. Looking forward to future updates!


id like to see a walkthrough or scene guide for this as it develops, because some things can be a bit tricky to get, and bad luck with exploring can make it unclear where to go and what to do. other than that, i actually really like this game, and hope that you add more hypno focused scenes in the future. keep up the good work!!


That's cool

how long do I have to wait cus the new game and continue buttons aren't working for me and I've tried waiting 5  minutes atleast?

(1 edit)

I had one other person complain that it wasn't working for them in the same way - it could be either due to the network you're on or your browser settings. You can try loading it on another browser or device; it should work on phones and desktops. I'm hoping to release an update this weekend that handles these loading issues more gracefully.

Edit: I think that this is probably happening due to a Chrome setting, "Block third-party cookies in Incognito." If you're in an Incognito tab (understandable!) the game will try to access the place where it saves and loads the game, and it'll fail due to this setting. You can either try playing in a non-Incognito window or disabling that setting for now, but I'll try to make it at least not crash in an update this weekend.

after i get the silver key, i can't seem to get back to the box no matter how much i explore the glades

I'll check the logic and see if there's a way to get it confused there, but it might have just been bad luck. Also, there are two keys - if you've already opened the chest in the glade, a second chest appears in another area.


Okay, but what about after the second time? Cause I found the second chest, opened it, and it flew away. Was something supposed to happen, or have I just not found it, or is it not in yet?

Opening the boxes unlocks some otherwise-hidden content elsewhere! As the game expands, I want to keep including reasons to go back and explore places you might've already been to see what changes; the chests are an early example of that. In this case, the zones to check after opening them are the Hot Springs and the Grove.

I can't figure out how to get what Gengar wants. Roselia doesn't work. I feel like I'm missing something, but don't know what.


Go to top of map, keep exploring till you find O-balls, go to bottom left of map during day, use O-balls instantly when fighting Roselia


Cant get past first encounter with Loppany, i simply have no options. Cant click 'Continue' to return to my game, have to start over again and again.

That's odd! Mind sending me a screenshot of where it fails? It might help if you included the contents in your browser console (F12) as well.

(1 edit)

Played it on my pc, installed on itchio app. I will try to send screenshot as soon as possible. 
Update: Just tried to play on my phone and everything is fine.